About the MChG
The Munich Chemical Society (Münchener Chemische Gesellschaft = MChG) is a local section of the Society of German Chemists (Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker = GDCh).
There are two local groups in Munich. One group is located at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University (LMU), the other one at the Technical University of Munich (TUM).
The MChG was founded in 1876 by the chemist Wilhelm von Miller, the successor of Erlenmeyer at the Technical University Munich (TUM now). His brother Oskar von Miller was the founder of the Deutsches Museum.
The MChG is one of the oldest scientific societies in Germany and continues to be an important scientific forum.
The MChG is a membership organization that tracks only charitable purposes. The purpose of the association and its directorate is the promotion of science and research in all fields of chemistry, which mainly is realized through the organization of scientific conferences. To this purpose, the MChG is working also with the Jungchemikerforum (JCF, association of young chemists) in Munich.
Financing of MChG occurs mainly through general and earmarked donations from companies and individuals, the German Chemical Society annual subsidy and on its member fees.
Your membership in the MChG
We appreciate you interest in the work of the MChG very much and we would like to invite you to become a member of our society!
You can support the MChG with a small annual contribution (regular: 10,- €; student: 5,- €) and become its member.
In particular, we would like to recommend to you the life-long MChG-membership (single payment of 100,- €).
You can download a membership form here:
Please send the filled and signed application to the following adress:
Münchener Chemische Gesellschaft
Butenandtstr. 5-13 (Haus D)
81377 München
Die Satzung der MChG finden Sie hier.
You can download a membership form here:
You can find the by-laws of the MChG here.