Contact and Legal Info


Prof. Dr. Richard Fischer
Department Chemie der TUM
Lichtenbergstr. 4, 85748 Garching b. München
Tel.: 089/289-13072, Fax: 089/289-13513


The content of this web site is provided with best knowledge. However, errors cannot be excluded with absolute certainty. Legally mandatory are exclusively the definitions in the relevant bodies of law (Laws, regulations, statutes).

With judgement of May 12, 1998 the regional court of Hamburg decided, that an operator of a web site who implements a link to another web site is also responsible for the contents of the web site he is linking to. This can be prevented - so the regional court - only if the operator of the web pages dissociates itself expressly from these contents.

So the following is imperative for all links on this web site: We would expressly like to stress that we have no influence on the link text, on the composition, on possible injuries of valid rights, especially brands and title rights and contents of all linked sites on this web site. Hereby we expressly dissociate ourselves from the link formulations, as well as from all contents of all linked sites on our home page and we do not make their contents our own. This explanation is relevant for all links on our web site and for all contents of the sites which link to our web site. You should be aware of this while reading and using these links!